Read StoryBuilt’s Public-Facing AI Policy 

Artificial Intelligence is a new frontier, and StoryBuilt wants to work with our clients to utilize new and innovative technologies. It is important to define the roles and responsibilities of the parties regarding the use of such technology.

  1. Ownership. Client understands and agrees that, if Artificial Intelligence technologies (collectively, “AI”) are utilized in the creation of Deliverables, neither StoryBuilt nor Client will have any ownership rights in the portion of Deliverables that has been generated by AI.  Such portions will be treated by StoryBuilt as though they are public domain works as defined by the U.S. Copyright Law.
  2. Obligations.
    • Client agrees that they can expect AI to likely be utilized in some way for any campaign or deliverable executed by StoryBuilt. Should Client prefer their assets not utilize AI, StoryBuilt would then have the sole discretion to agree to this request or not.
    • It is understood that StoryBuilt shall retain all intellectual property rights related to the AI technologies employed in the creation process.
    • Client agrees that if it has utilized AI in the production of any Client materials, it will inform StoryBuilt in writing which portions or elements of the Client materials have been generated by AI, and it assumes all liability for such materials. Input examples can include logos, copy, or other graphic files provided to StoryBuilt by the Client.
    • Client warrants that any materials provided by Client to StoryBuilt whereby StoryBuilt might utilize AI with such materials shall be exclusively owned by Client or licensed for such explicit purposes, and input of such materials into the AI shall not infringe upon the rights of any third party, including those of privacy, intellectual property, or confidentiality.
  3. Release. Client releases StoryBuilt from all liability whatsoever with regards to the use of AI in the performance of the services, including, without limitation, the materials inputted into the AI and materials outputted from the AI, whether or not such materials are incorporated into the Deliverables.
  4. Indemnification. Client indemnifies and holds harmless StoryBuilt from any and all third-party claims arising out of (i) a breach of any warranties or obligations made herein and (ii) the use of AI in the performance of this Agreement including, without limitation, claims arising from the materials inputted into the AI and materials outputted by the AI. StoryBuilt’s indemnification obligations concerning Deliverables shall not extend to any portions of materials generated by AI.